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So today marks the end of 2019 and this decade. Whilst this year hasn't been the easiest ride of my life and at times I didn't know if I would get through it, I have some how and I'm so proud of how far I have come.

Despite the challenges of 2019 I am going into 2020 with a heart full of joy and excitement in my belly for what this new year and decade will bring. I am so grateful for my life and looking back over the past decade I am so blessed to have my 3 boys, a wonderful home and the most caring family and friends.

New years eve has been one of my favourite days of the year for many reasons. I love the beginning of a new page, for me it's a real chance at wiping the slate clean and the start of new beginnings. Its also a time where I reflect and evaluate what has happened the past year and what I want to change for the new or keep on doing ! This year I have chosen to do a mood board (from the magazine In the moment ) I've used it to manifest what I am want in my life moving forward instead of the traditional new years resolutions! I have this mood board in my room so I can see it 1st thing when I wake up and last thing at night to truly embody what it is I want to manifest for 2020 and this decade.

As I look back on the decade from 2010 when I was working at a riding school and was probably at my best fitness level and felt physically at my best in my appearance, I wasnt care free and feared everything, I had ruled out men ha! I met Shaun the following year and he sure flipped my world upside down, we also moved into our family home that winter. Kevin was born in 2012 and we also got engaged that year. 2014 brought the arrival of Elijah and in 2015 we got Married with the arrival of Oscar in 2016! Its been an eventful few years and sadly I've have lost way to many family members than I ever want to loose again but I believe they are still here with me and because of that I don't feel sad or alone this new year, I feel so loved on all levels and although I'm not doing the usual of playing Shit head with Shaun till the new year I know hes around so I don't feel sad at all.

I am leaving 2019 comfortable in my own skin, learning to love the darkest parts of me, with so much love and excitement in my heart and my 3 cubs to keep me insane 😂

I wish you all love and joy for this new year and the decade. Whatever you are doing I hope you are happy and enjoying the moment.

All my love

SJ x

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